Consejería of Culture, Language Policy and Tourism of the Principado de Asturias is the main sponsor of the International Cider Summit through its brand “Asturias Paraíso Natural”. With this, the Videconsejera, Graciela Blanco, shows her support for the Asturian cider sector, which will have the opportunity to soak up the different ways of producing and selling this processed apple thanks to brands from all over the world that will be present at the summit. In addition, the event will place Asturias and its cider-making culture on the international cider-making map, which will have a positive impact both on a tourist and professional level.

Among the different activities of the International Cider Summit will be the festival that will attract thousands of people to its headquarters at the Universidad Laboral de Gijón. Throughout the weekend of March 25 and 26, you will be able to taste ciders from all over the world, enjoy musical performances and many more activities around the event’s golden drink.